Water Sensitive Urban Design
Atlantis Aurora provides sustainable solutions to improve water resources management and quality through infiltration, re-use, retention and detention strategies. Our designs are unique solutions for water sensitive urban design (WSUD); new subdivisions, tall buildings, roads and railways can all benefit from our designs.
Water Sensitive Urban Design Services
- Rainwater harvesting and re-use
- Storm water detention and management
- Biofilter and retention systems
- MUSIC software for pollutant removal targets
- Water quality treatment
- Management plans to reduce peak flows
- Water balance feasibility
- Sports field management
Unique Atlantis Aurora low maintenance solutions have been built on all continents e.g. in Australia at the Brisbane Gabba cricket oval and the Melbourne Monash University infiltration pits.
Water Quality modelling (MUSIC) approaches have also been conducted at South Brisbane Park Ridge and Sydney Penrith developments.